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Basic Membership

$30 per year

Allows access to carrier lending from all libraries. May check out one carrier per month as well as have access to the Little Lenders Library of toy carriers. Membership also provides access to coupons and discounts of SSBW's business partners.


May buy as Gift Certificate.


Hardship Basic Membership

$10 per year


Includes all benefits of the Basic Membership. In addition to the standard application, requires confirmation of financial hardship.. 50% reduction of library fees but for situations calling for full replacement of a carrier.

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Family Membership

$45 per year

Allows access to carrier lending from all libraries. May check out up to three carriers per month as well as have access to the Little Lenders Library of toy carriers. Membership also provides access to coupons and discounts of SSBW's business partners.


May buy as Gift Certificate.

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Hardship Family Membership

$10 per year


Includes all benefits of the Family Membership. In addition to the standard application, requires confirmation of financial hardship and that more than one adult in single household will wear child or that member has more than one wearing aged child. Includes same reduced fees as Hardship Basic Membership.

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Sustaining Membership

$10 per year

No access to carrier lending. Membership provides access to coupons and discounts of SSBW's business partners. This membership is for those who support our mission to provide babywearing education and support in Florida communities.


May buy as Gift Certificate.

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Volunteer / BOD Member Membership

$10 per year


This membership requires approval and agreement to terms for volunteers or selection as a board of directors member. Allows unlimited carrier checkouts per month as well as access to the Little Lenders Library of toy carriers. Also provides access to coupons and discounts of SSBW's business partners. 100% reduction in library fees but for situations calling for full replacement of a carrier. Email for more information.

©2018 by Sunshine State Baby Wearing, Inc.

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